MC Dental Care
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Our Team

We have a team of two lady dentists with over twenty years
of experience and four dental assistants.

Dr. Madeleine Cheah BDS (Adel)
Dr. Alice Chuang BDS (Adel)

Both Madeleine and Alice are friends who grew up in
Adelaide, South Australia and obtained their dental
qualifications from the University of Adelaide in 1997.

They are experienced general dentists who have special
interests in preventive, aesthetic, conservative dentistry,
crown and bridge work and root canal therapy.

They truly believe in and practice conservative and
preventive dentistry so that their patients have excellent and
lasting dental health.

Both ladies are renowned for their friendly, gentle and
compassionate nature and have built a large loyal following
over the years as a result.

They regularly attend professional courses to improve and
update their clinical and technical skills.

On a personal level, Madeleine enjoys the outdoors,
swimming and entertaining friends. She is also involved in a
few voluntary works and presents dental talks at childcare
centres when requested. She is married to Ian and has
three sons.

Alice loves travelling and has been a volunteer dentist to
remote and disadvantaged countries. She is married to
Peter, her best friend who shares common interest and

Lina, Yolanda, Sherena and Charlotte are our caring,
friendly and gentle dental assistants who keep the practice
running smoothly.  Lina has been with us since the practice
was founded.  

Our digitalised practice will also help us to serve you better
by increasing the efficiency and communication services.
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